Clearing Up Cloudy Hot Tub Water

Clearing Up Cloudy Hot Tub Water

Cloudy hot tub water can be caused by several factors, including improper pH balance, high levels of total dissolved solids (TDS), high levels of combined chlorine or chloramines, inadequate filtration, or a lack of sanitizer. Cloudy water can be unappealing and unsanitary, so it’s essential to fix it as soon as possible.

Here are some steps you can take to clear up your cloudy hot tub water:

Test and balance the pH level

The first thing you should do is test the pH level of your hot tub water. The ideal pH range for hot tubs is between 7.2 and 7.8. If the pH level is too high, add a pH decreaser like sodium bisulfate to lower it. If it’s too low, add a pH increaser like sodium carbonate. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and retest the water after making any adjustments.

Shock the water

Next, shock the water with a non-chlorine shock or a chlorine shock. A shock treatment is necessary to destroy any contaminants in the water and bring the sanitizer level up to par. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the shock product for the amount to use based on the gallons of water in your hot tub. Typically, you will need to run the hot tub for at least 30 minutes after adding the shock to allow it to circulate.

Test and balance the sanitizer level

After shocking the water, test the sanitizer level. The ideal range for hot tubs is between 3-5 ppm (parts per million) for chlorine, and 30-50 ppm for bromine. If the sanitizer level is low, add more sanitizer according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Clean the filter

Your hot tub filter should be cleaned every 2-3 months or more often if you use your hot tub frequently. A dirty filter can hinder proper water circulation, leading to cloudy water. To clean the filter, remove it from the hot tub and rinse it with a hose. Then, soak it in a filter cleaner solution for a few hours, rinse again, and reinstall it.

Drain and refill the hot tub

If the above steps don’t work, it’s time to drain and refill the hot tub. Over time, TDS and other contaminants can build up in the water, making it difficult to balance and sanitize. Drain the water completely, clean the hot tub surfaces, and refill it with fresh water. After refilling, balance the pH and sanitizer levels and shock the water.

Prevent future cloudy water

Preventing cloudy water is essential to maintaining the quality of your hot tub water. Here are some tips to help you prevent cloudy water in the future.

Preventing Cloudy Water

  • Test the water regularly: Test the water every week to ensure the pH and sanitizer levels are within the recommended ranges.
  • Use a clarifier: A clarifier can help to clear up cloudy water by clumping particles together, making them easier to filter out.
  • Shower before using the hot tub: Ask your guests to shower before entering the hot tub to remove any oils, lotions, or cosmetics that can cause cloudiness.
  • Limit the number of users: The more people who use the hot tub, the more contaminants will be introduced into the water, making it harder to balance and sanitize.
  • Keep the cover on when not in use: Keeping the hot tub covered when not in use can prevent debris, insects, and other contaminants from entering the water.
  • Clean the hot tub regularly: Clean the hot tub surfaces and cover them regularly to prevent the buildup of contaminants.

In conclusion, cloudy hot tub water is unsanitary and unappealing. To fix it, test and balance the pH and sanitizer levels, shock the water, clean the filter, and drain and refill the hot tub if necessary. Preventing future cloudy water is also crucial, so test the water regularly, use a clarifier, shower before using the hot tub, limit the number of users, keep the cover on when not in use, and clean the hot tub regularly.

Some additional tips for keeping your hot tub water clear and sparkling are:

Use a water clarifier

A water clarifier can be used to help clear up cloudy water by clumping together small particles that may have been missed by the filter. This makes it easier to filter them out and keep the water clear.

To use a clarifier, simply follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the amount to add based on the gallons of water in your hot tub. Typically, you will need to run the hot tub for a few hours after adding the clarifier to allow it to circulate.

Use a natural enzyme cleaner

Natural enzyme cleaners can be used to break down organic matter and oils that may be present in the water. This can help to prevent cloudy water and reduce the amount of sanitizer needed.

To use a natural enzyme cleaner, simply follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the amount to add based on the gallons of water in your hot tub. Typically, you will need to add the enzyme cleaner once a week.

Use a foam reducer

Foam can be caused by a variety of factors, including lotions, soaps, and other contaminants in the water. A foam reducer can be used to quickly and easily get rid of foam.

To use a foam reducer, simply add the recommended amount to the hot tub water, and run the jets for a few minutes to circulate the product.

Consider upgrading your filtration system

If you find that you are constantly dealing with cloudy water despite your best efforts, it may be time to consider upgrading your filtration system. A more advanced system can help to remove more contaminants from the water, making it easier to balance and sanitize.

There are several types of filtration systems available, including cartridge filters, sand filters, and DE filters. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, so be sure to do your research and choose the one that is right for your needs.


In summary, cloudy hot tub water can be caused by a variety of factors, including improper pH balance, high levels of TDS, inadequate filtration, or a lack of sanitizer. To fix it, test and balance the pH and sanitizer levels, shock the water, clean the filter, and drain and refill the hot tub if necessary. Preventing future cloudy water is also essential, so test the water regularly, use a clarifier, shower before using the hot tub, limit the number of users, keep the cover on when not in use, and clean the hot tub regularly. By following these tips, you can enjoy crystal clear, sparkling hot tub water all year round.

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